Studien und Texte
Professionalität setzt fundiertes Wissen und Kritikfähigkeit voraus. Tai Chi Chuan und Qigong bieten viele therapeutisch wirksame Ansätze, die noch einer Überprüfung bedürfen.
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Studien & Texte – Qigong
In vitro test of external Qigong, 2004 |PDF|
Changes in cytokine production in healthy subjects practicing Guolin Qigong, 2001 |PDF|
Effects of Qigong Therapy on Arthritis, 2004 |PDF|
Exploratory Studies of Qigong Therapy for Cancer in China, 2002 |PDF|
Medical Applications of Qigong and emitted Qi on Humans , 1991 |PDF|
Qi and Bioelectromagnetic Energy, 2002 |PDF|
Multifaceted Health Benefits of Medical Qigong, 2004 |PDF|
Impact of qigong exercise on self-efficacy and other cognitive perceptual variables in patients with essential hypertension, 2004 |PDF|
Anti-Aging Benefits of Qigong |PDF|
Bewegungsübungen der TCM helfen bei kardiovaskulären Erkrankungen
Traditional Chinese Exercise for Cardiovascular Diseases
Baduanjin Exercise Prevents post-Myocardial Infarction
Effect of Baduanjin exercise on cognitive function
Effect of health Baduanjin Qigong for mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease
The Effect of Chinese Traditional Exercise-Baduanjin on Physical and Psychological Well-Being
Intervention Effect of Baduanjin Exercise on the Fatigue State in People with Fatigue-Predominant Subhealth
Effect of Baduanjin exercise for hypertension
Qigong exercise alleviates fatigue, anxiety, and depressive symptoms, improves sleep quality, and shortens sleep latency
Effects of Baduanjin on mental health
Effects of qigong on late-stage complex regional pain syndrome
Use of qigong therapy in the detoxification of heroin addicts
Qigong and exercise therapy in patients with long-term neck pain
An evaluation of two behavioral rehabilitation programs, qigong versus progressive relaxation, in improving the quality of life in cardiac patients
Internal qigong for pain conditions
Studien & Texte – Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi on psychological well-being, 2010 |PDF|
Exploring Tai Chi in rheumatoid arthritis, 2010 |PDF|
Tai Chi for osteopenic women, 2010 |PDF|
Green tea polyphenols and Tai Chi for bone health, 2009 |PDF|
A randomized controlled trial of tai chi for long-term low back pain, 2009 |PDF|
Tai Chi for treating knee osteoarthritis, 2008 |PDF|
The Effects of Tai Chi on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women, 2007 |PDF|
Tai chi for rheumatoid arthritis, 2007 |PDF|
The effect of Tai Chi Chuan in reducing falls among elderly people, 2006 |PDF|
Tai Chi and vestibular rehabilitation improve vestibulopathic gait via different neuromuscular mechanisms, 2005 |PDF|